Ep. 1 The Sun King & Versailles Pt.1

Episode Transcript
Image Credit

Portrait of Louis XIV, Hyacinthe Rigaud, 1700-1, oil on canvas, Louvre Museum


Helpful Resources

Faser, Antonia. Love and Louis XIV: The Women in the Life of the Sun King. New York: Anchor, 2007.

Ledbury, Andrew Mark, and Robert Wellington. The Versailles Effect: Objects, Lives, and Afterlives of the Domaine. New York: NY, 2020.


Louis XIV https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_XIV#Image_and_depiction

Louis XIII https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_XIII

Palace of Versailles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace_of_Versailles#CITEREFJones2018

Palace of Versailles Official Website  https://en.chateauversailles.fr

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